Mark Woo is a Vancouver based Game Designer with more than a decade of F2P and mobile game experience.

Expertise and Passion

Live Ops Design

I bought into F2P games as early as 2001, during high school in Korea going to PC Bangs with friends. I now play the latest and greatest F2P mobile games in the market in my free time and enjoy being active in those player communities . I pride myself in putting my money where my design mouth is.

Content Design

Level Design and Character Designs are nothing without understanding your player community. Creating fun memorable experiences as well as characters that excite the player base is one of the most fulfilling things in game design. I love finding cheap production solutions to create fulfilling game loops and rewards for players to engage with.

Feature Design

I love feature design, whether it’s Quality of Life features that capitalize on low hanging fruit in older titles or building new features from the ground up on a game in pre- or full production. I strive to create clear an effective design docs and work cross departmentally in implementing effective features that improve KPIs.

Currently Working On:

An Unannounced Title

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